Friday, January 30, 2009


Today is a 'finally!' day - first, because I am finally going to post about the mutant MDR1 gene.

[Note: MDR stands for "Multi Drug Resistance".] Collies and other similar breeds (i.e. the Australian Shepherd, and other breeds from the herding group) as well as mixes including one or more of these breeds have proven to be sensitive to some drugs such as ivermectin (antiparasitic), loperamide (antidiarrheal), butorphanol (pain control and pre-anesthetic), and others that serve various functions. This sensitivity is present when a dog is a carrier of the mutated MDR1 gene. The mutation in the gene prevents dogs from being able to remove drugs from the brain unlike normal dogs, who can. When one of these drugs is adminstered to a dog with a sensitivity to them, they will show abnormal neurological symptoms. This includes things such as excessive salivation, blindness, tremor, depression, coma, death, and a few others.
So what do you do if you've got a dog who is 'at risk'?
Many Vets just avoid the use of drugs that are known to cause complications in breeds with a prevalence of the mutant gene. However, a test has been developed that screens for the presence of the gene. This test is performed by using a cheek brush sample. Ask your Vet about it! More information on the test can be found at this page on Washington State University's Veterinary Medical School website.
- Please note that the dosages of Ivermection in heartworm prevention tablets are safe for dogs with the mutant mdr1 gene. Many of these drugs are only harmful to dogs in high dosages.

The second reason today is a 'finally!' day is because I found a breeder with reasonably priced Aussies who has most of the important qualities I look for in a breeder. I'm quite excited because I can afford them and he will have puppies ready probably sometime around mid-May to early June...that will leave plenty of training and bonding time before the fall semester starts. I'll be sure to update once I know about due dates and when I decide whether or not I'm going to commit to this breeder.

The last reason today is a 'finally!' day is I've come to an agreement with my parents on my living situation next semester as far as on campus vs. off campus goes. It looks like I'll be living off campus in a duplex with a classmate (and fellow dog enthusiast) from my Biology lab. She's got one and a half year old female German Shepherd and just obtained a six month old male so it looks like we'll have a house full of herding dogs - sounds highly entertaining to me!

Sources/More information on MDR1 and testing:

1 comment:

  1. Wow - sounds like things have finally come together. I'm glad that you are excited about getting a dog and moving in to your own place. I can relate!
