Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Empty Promises

...I'm sad to say that I've been full of them on this blog. I'm seriously going to try and pick this thing back up.

Keiko and I worked cattle again today for the fourth time. There are a few things I want to write about, both to share with whatever followers I may have left (I doubt any) as well as to keep a record of how I felt about the session, what I learned, and what I wanted to improve on for next time. It's late but I want to hit these points when I do come back to write again:
1. I need to learn where to be to keep movement forward
2. Relax. The dog is interested, she has the instinct, now show her what to do with it. Frustration will only turn her off, not on and make you lose sight of your goal.
3. WORK THE CALVES, NOT THE DOG! The dog will figure out what you're doing and how she can help you!
4. Start teaching a "that'll do" for calling off the stock
5. Praise her when she's right!!

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