Tuesday, February 3, 2009


This weekend I took my sister out to one of the local bike trails for her first mountain ride. It was a lot of fun and she really enjoyed herself, even though she fell off her bike after going over some tough roots just before a descent. She bumped her head (thank goodness for helmets!) and scraped up her knees and arms. I guess we'll be investing in some elbow/knee pads...no more scars! I rode about 6 miles, as I did two and a half laps - one by myself and one and a half (the half was when she fell) with her. We were going to complete her second lap but I didn't have enough tape in my first aid kit to keep the bandages on her knee so we had to duck out early. I'm off to class but will update soon with a post about canine cardiomyopathy - something I posted about a while back on my other blog.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you sister is okay, mountain biking can be dangerous!
