Monday, July 13, 2009

Jotting down some training ideas

I'm supposed to be typing up lab reports for organic lab which are due tomorrow so naturally I decided to blog about some ideas of what I want to begin tackling in my training this week.

1. Stand
- I think I will start this by capturing the stand when I groom Keiko, which I do twice a day
(after her morning walk and after our last outdoor activity of the night). I make her stand still when I do that so I will start marking for her just standing still while grooming. Making the transition from this to standing from a sit/down I haven't quite planned out yet but that's something for me to ponder.
2. Down
- I want to put a command to this by the end of the week, but I want her to do it from a standing position as opposed to having to sit first. I think I will first teach it by luring, because I am aiming for a competition obedience style down, not a down with her hips flopped to one side or the other. (The obedience style is with all four legs facing forward)
3. Hand touch
- I want to clean up the hand touch. By next Sunday, I hope to be getting real nose punches out of the hand touch which means I will have to work fairly intensively with her #1 reward (which to date is a lick out of a frozen can of baby food). This reward sends her fairly high into drive so I'm looking forward to making the hand touch concrete with her.
4. Come
- Up until now I've only worked on an "informal" recall. I say "c'mere" and Keiko has to come back to me. At some point in the next few weeks, I want to teach a more formal "Come" where she is required to actually come TO ME.
5. Here
- Here means come to me and sit right in front of me, looking up at me. I will work on here after I have the recall come down, as I think here is a bit more specific and difficult a task.

I also have seen a lot more toy drive out of Keiko lately. She has always been more interested in her soft/fuzzy toys so I'm considering purchasing another "Lambiedoodle" for the purpose of drive building...we'll see. Maybe I'll get something smaller but still soft and attach it to some sort of line to do some drive building with.

I'm also still about 5% undecided about SAR. I have been going to the practices all summer and have become a little SAR sponge, but for some reason I can't say that I'm 100% sure I want to do SAR with my pup. In fact in some ways, I see all of the herding instinct she has (and she came from an old working line breeder, so if I didn't have her she would most likely be off on some ranch working) and I almost feel like I would be wasting it if I didn't trial her (or work her...which I can't do now because I don't have cattle, sheep, or ducks lol). We'll see...I've still got time to decide whether I want to work her in SAR for certain and I plan to get her instinct tested sometime in the next few months. I know things will work out for the best in the end though.

I had something else I wanted to jot here but I forgot what it was and I'm getting tired so I'm going to finish my lab reports and call it a night. I'll update later!

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