Monday, July 6, 2009

Taking the next step

I need to jot down these thoughts before I lose them in the swarm of organic chemistry reactions I'm currently trying to memorize for tomorrow's test.. /grin/

First, the sit - Keiko can perform it 8/10 times with a verbal command but I have found two flaws in it which I need to fix. The first and most simple is that she doesn't hold it sometimes; she'll immediately go into offering the down (which I have marked for but have not put a command to yet) if I don't reward quickly enough. So now I will mark for her HOLDING the sit after being told to do so. It will go like this.. "Sit... (pause one second, two seconds) Yes!" and reward. We will work our way up to five, then ten, but will start at two seconds.
The second thing about the sit is that I need to put a signal to it. A little backwards, I know, but since I have made her sit before going in/out of every door since the very first day I got her, she's heard enough repetitions of the word "sit" to know what it means without receiving a signal first.

Second, the down - she offers this readily in our training sessions. I need to do a few sessions where I select only for the down. Then I will put a signal to it, then a command. I imagine this should be complete (not with distractions) within the next couple of days. I need to be careful how I select for this. I would like for her to do an obedience style down (all four legs facing forward, not with her hips flopped over to one side) but am not sure if I want to teach that yet. I could have an alternate command (platz - german for down) but it may be confusing to allow her to do the more leisurely down now and then try to select for the more correct down (platz) later. I need to ponder on that before I start marking for it.

I also need to decide exactly what I want my hand signals to be. Never have I given this much thought to what hand signals I want to use for various commands...that's proof that newfound freedom goes to people's heads. Haha!

Training aside, a figured a little update on Keiko was due. I'm not sure how much she weighs but I estimate her being between 20 and 25 lbs now. I'd like to get her height measured as well. E seems to think she's small, but she is supposed to be at the smaller end of the standard so I imagine she's on track. I'll have to ask her about it tomorrow. She's also earned more "big girl responsibilities" and gets to sleep in her "big girl crate" (her 36" wire crate) now. :) I had no choice but to put her in the wire crate after she got sick last week (I was not about to clean out her plastic crate at 5:45 AM after she threw up in it) and she was well behaved so she has been sleeping and staying in it ever since.
She also gets more free time in the house. I used to confine her to the kitchen while I was there, but now I leave her 15' lead on with her collar and let her roam. I gave her a knuckle bone which she happily took into the living room and gnawed on while I made my dinner. I was able to keep an eye on her over the bar counter. She behaved well so she also stayed out while I ate and she left me completely alone. :) I was very proud of her today!
We went home for July 4th and she also got more free time there, including some of the time loose in my room there (no leash, no collar even). It's fun to see her mature but I'm also already missing the little red puppy she came to me as.

We went to a NADAC agility trial in town today and that went great. She was very alert when we went in (in case you've never been to an agility trial - they're very loud between the radio playing, the people there, and the dogs barking) but settled quickly and then just wanted attention from everyone. It reminded me that we need to work on not jumping on people, which needs to be done by that person telling her to sit before giving her any excited or happy attention...which is a real problem because everyone sees her and goes "ohh!! Hey there cutie!" which is enough to send her butt a'wigglin'. We'll have to be sure to take a few extra trips to PetSmart this next month or so as well as out to some of the kids sports games over the summer so we can work on all of this.

Another positive note, I think we're getting closer to the point where I can actually bring her to search & rescue practice. I'm about 90% sure that I'm going to go ahead and actually make the commitment to the team, thus submitting my taskbook for review. I really like the idea of it and think both I and Keiko are cut out for it. I just need to make sure that I can make the time commitment to the team. I also want to be sure that my mind will be in it as well. The good thing is that the team would rather have someone be honest and tell them they can't handle the load anymore than have someone keep showing up to practice but their heart and mind not really be there.

Wow, I rambled much more than I was expecting to! I really should get some sleep. I'll have more updates later this week though.

1 comment:

  1. Wow - that's a lot to read = )
    I hope she does well at S&R. Good Luck on O Chem
